8 Things I Want To Do Less Of In 2016

The start of a New Year is not just about new beginnings or new habits. It’s also an opportunity to reflect and acknowledge what you want to have less of in your life. Rather than keep adding things to your endless to-do list, it’s important to let some unhealthy habits go in order to make room for better ones.

This year, I’m taking a slightly different approach to my resolutions. Instead of focusing solely on what I want to achieve, I’m identifying areas where I want to reduce my involvement.

Here are 8 things I’m consciously aiming to minimize in my life this year:

  1. Procrastination: Let’s be honest, we all do it. But this year, I’m determined to break free from the procrastination cycle. I’m going to implement techniques like the Pomodoro Technique and break down large tasks into smaller, more manageable chunks.
  2. Social Media Timewasting: Social media can be a fantastic tool for connecting with others and staying informed, but it can also be a massive time-sink. I’m going to be more mindful of how much time I spend scrolling through feeds and actively curate my social media experience to minimize distractions.
  3. Saying “Yes” When I Mean “No”: People-pleasing is a habit I’m actively trying to break. This year, I’m going to be more assertive and learn to politely decline commitments that don’t align with my priorities.
  4. Unnecessary Meetings: Meetings can be incredibly valuable, but they can also be a huge drain on productivity. I’m going to be more selective about which meetings I attend and advocate for more efficient meeting structures.
  5. Complaining: Complaining about things outside of my control is not only unproductive but also negatively impacts my mood. I’m committed to focusing on solutions and finding ways to improve my situation instead of dwelling on negativity.
  6. Comparing Myself to Others: Social media has made it easier than ever to compare ourselves to others. This year, I’m going to actively practice self-compassion and focus on my own progress and achievements.
  7. Irregular Eating Habits: ‘m going to establish a more consistent and healthy eating schedule. This includes eating regular meals throughout the day and minimizing snacking between meals. Let’s be honest, fast food isn’t exactly the healthiest option. I’m going to make a conscious effort to cook more at home and make healthier food choices.
  8. Negative Self-Talk: I’m going to challenge negative thoughts and replace them with more positive and encouraging self-talk.

This list is a starting point, and I’m sure it will evolve throughout the year. But by consciously focusing on reducing these behaviors, I believe I can create a more productive, fulfilling, and happier year for myself.

What are some things you want to do less of in 2016? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

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