IEEE National Workshop on Big Data 2019!

Attending the IEEE National Workshop on Big Data 2019 has been really amazing. I’ve been able to network with some wonderful people – like-minded  and in the same stage of life.  The speakers have been inspiring, engaging, enlightening, eye-opening, amazing! Dr. Faisal Kamran talk “Rock Start to Big Data” talked about how some people will under-commit […]

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Review: Coursera “Applied Data Science with Python” Specialization

Learning to celebrate small accomplishment is a catalyst to attain giant strides and every accomplishment is worthy of gratitude. Thus,  Alhumdulillah I’m thankful for another goal achieved in the right direction as I completed the Applied Data Science with Python Specialization from Coursera. It was big learning opportunity for me to learn new skills and

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Accomplishments, Lifehacks
Importance of Blogging as a Data-Scientist

The Importance of Blogging as a Data Scientist

Data Sharing and How blogging can benefit your scientific career! Aside from being able to educate others, blogging is also a really great way to reinforce knowledge, build your brand, earn money, amongst other things. Most data scientist shy away from blogging because they think they are not smart enough or they don’t think it

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Blogging, Data Science