
Process CSV Files in Python Like a Pro: 3 Proven Techniques

Python offers several powerful ways to work with CSV (Comma-Separated Values) files, making data handling efficient and streamlined. In this blogpost, I’ll share 3 simple yet proven techniques to process CSV files in Python: First things first, let’s define our target: the CSV file What is a CSV File? A CSV (Comma-Separated Values) file is […]

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Data Science, Machine Learning, Programming, Python

Review: Coursera “Applied Data Science with Python” Specialization

Learning to celebrate small accomplishment is a catalyst to attain giant strides and every accomplishment is worthy of gratitude. Thus,  Alhumdulillah I’m thankful for another goal achieved in the right direction as I completed the Applied Data Science with Python Specialization from Coursera. It was big learning opportunity for me to learn new skills and

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Accomplishments, Lifehacks